DETROIT, Mich. (WJBK) – An international champions cup match-up has Comerica Park field undergoing a transformation.
Vice President Comerica Park operations, Mike Healy, is thrilled to host the first soccer match at Comerica.
“We are really excited to be able to showcase international soccer in Detroit.”
But getting a baseball field to a soccer field, is challenging.
“We had to lower the pitcher’s mound,” said Healy. “We also had to lower the infield’s skin, so that the infield is the same height as the outfield.”
Crews are working 40 straight hours, and more, to transform the field. And last week’s Metallica concert did not help.
15 truckloads of new sod from Wisconsin were used to fix the outfield, and get rid of the infield and pitchers mound for the 70 x 110 yard soccer field.
“It’s different than football. A lot of major league baseball teams use the sod,” said Healy.
And they’ll be ready for Wednesday night’s game with two of Europe’s best, AS Roma versus Paris St. Germain.
Comerica Park holds 41,000. About 37,000 seats for the soccer game are available and 30,000 have been sold.
“There will be a vendors set up outside starting at four. Suites and hospitality opens at six, and the general public starts coming in at 6:30,” said Healy.
The game starts Wednesday at 8 p.m.